The Heart Is a House: Confidia Health Institute

surfct • October 5, 2023

Like many, you may have grown to think of your health as a yearly chore – where your primary care doctor asks you the same questions, runs you through some basic tests, gives you the “OK,” and sends you on your way.

But let’s pause for a moment and think: Does a once-a-year check-up really constitute a complete bill of health?

There are so many areas of your health that “annual tests” don’t look into – and for the staggering 1 in 3 American adults living with some form of cardiovascular disease, basic tests aren’t nearly enough to prevent fatal heart attacks and stroke.

Confidia Health Institute is breaking the long-established “tradition” of merely doing annual check-ups, by empowering you to treat your heart – and your overall health – the same way you treat your biggest monetary investment: your home.

Maintaining Your Home

Think of your heart as a house with four rooms, four doors, smoke detectors, forced air ventilation and electricity.

Now, think of what it takes to build and maintain your home: Regularly cleaning up each room, tightening screws on hinges when the doors begin to creak, changing batteries in the smoke detectors, cleaning filters to ensure proper ventilation, checking electrical voltage for safety, and so on.

Each of these tasks – the big and the small – are important to ensure your home functions properly.

Housekeeping for Your Heart

Just as vacuums help you maintain cleanliness, and a multimeter measures for proper voltage, Confidia uses “tools” to test the different functions of the heart:

  • Cardiometabolic Screening acts like a smoke detector, sounding the alarm should any signs of heart disease appear
  • Echocardiogram Testing checks all the rooms and doors, and tells us how well your heart is working
  • Metabolic Stress Testing checks the “HVAC” heart and lung function, ensuring efficient and effective airflow (oxygen) to all parts of the body
  • Advanced Holter Monitoring acts as a multimeter, recording your heart's rhythms in real time

Cardiometabolic screening can find microscopic heart disease far before it becomes problematic, and the three Cardiac Diagnostic Tests get into more of the specifics to get you on a path to proper treatment.

Keep Up With Your Healthy Home: Cardiometabolic Screening and Diagnostic Testing from Confidia

When it comes to heart health, it isn’t enough to check your cholesterol levels once a year. Just like a home, the entire heart needs to be checked in order to complete a cardiac work-up and ensure you’re on Your Path to True Health.

Each and every Confidian is highly encouraged to get screened for heart disease, to effectively identify risk and prevent future (or imminent) heart attack and stroke.

If our team sees a potential problem, or if you are experiencing symptoms, the next step involves Cardiac Diagnostic Testing. Unlike many other primary care doctors, this and other testing happens inside Confidia Health Institute.

Get more details about how Confidia can help keep your heart a “healthy home” here.

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